Wednesday, January 25, 2017


You may have noticed me getting REALLY upset in the mornings.  Listening to the news and hearing what our new president (I won't even capitalize it) is up to is like someone standing right in front of me giving me one swift punch in the stomach after another (ugh). I'm so upset I can't even catch my breath before another piece of news knocks the wind out of me (UGH). I try really hard to stay positive and focus on doing things that will help me feel better:

Praying, ALOT
Exercising, ALOT
Giving to charities, ALOT
And something I need to much more of, writing to my Congressman/Senators

Do you get the idea?

I just signed up for ongoing monthly donations to the World Wildlife Fund and to the Humane Society of North Texas, and I'm amazed at how much better it made me feel. 

I have read that people like me, who do not support Trump, should try to reach out more to people who voted for him to figure out our differences and be better people for it.  It sounds like a good idea on paper.

But the problem with that theory is that my beliefs about what I want this country to be like are pretty opposite of what they want it to be like.  I love the diversity of different races and languages.  I want all cultures to succeed at the "American Dream" of having good employment, good schools for all kids, good jobs for everyone.  There is a term called "white privilege" that unfortunately has come to define most (but not all) of the Trump supporters.  This means that people who were born white and have had many opportunities in the U.S. either can't or choose not to try and EMPATHIZE with people of color/immigrants, or both.  I think on some level these people actually feel threatened by the fact that an African American was able to rise to the highest position in our country, and feel threatened by anyone with different skin color from their own succeeding in life.  They seem to believe that only whites should be successful. 

But our country was founded by immigrants, people from many other countries coming to the US to pursue that American Dream.  ALL of us with the exception of Native Americans came from somewhere other than America.  That's what I don't get - why should any of us feel threatened by people who are different from us?  All of those backgrounds and languages and customs come together to make one very special America. 

Also, the most important issue facing our country right now (in my opinion) is global warming and the damage we as humans are doing to the planet.  But very few people that voted for Trump find this concerning.  In fact they laugh and don't believe human-caused global warming even exists.  The Scientific community is almost united in believing this theory, so once again, I just don't get it.

With such different points of view I find it almost impossible to try and come together to make the U.S. a better place.  But I must keep trying, because I otherwise I fear for what our country will turn into.  I'm sorry if I get a little down about it sometimes, or if I get to where I want to throw things and shout at the top of my lungs.  I want a good, strong, diverse, healthy country for you boys as you grow up.  More than anything else, that's why it all means so much to me. 

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